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How You

Can Help

Make a donation to NGOs on the ground still supporting survivors and fighting for justice.

When Apoorva was in Bhopal, she had the chance to work with several NGOs, a few of which we highlight in Episode IV: “We Were Blinded by the Gas; What Excuse Does the Government Have?”

The main organization she spent time with is really an umbrella organization for two clinics: The Sambhavna Clinic, and the Chingari Rehabilitation Center.
The Sambhavna Clinic

The Sambhavna Clinic is headed by Sathyu Sarangi, affectionately known in the community as Sathu Bhaiya, or “older brother.” At the Sambhavna Clinic, gas tragedy survivors receive free medical care through a variety of Eastern and Western techniques less than half a mile from the Union Carbide factory.

Chingari Rehabilitation Center

The Chingari Rehabilitation Center was co-founded by Rasheeda Bi and her friend Champa Devi Shukla as a center for children with various disabilities developed because of the factory.

You can learn more about these centers via their website, The Bhopal Medical Appeal, which has a variety of resources from legal history to more recent takes on the Tragedy and updates.

The website also provides a link for direct donations, as well as other ways to support their efforts and help make a difference for Tragedy survivors and Water Crisis survivors alike.

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